
On the SAT Reading section, “main idea or purpose” questions assess your understanding of the central theme or objective of a passage. These questions require you to identify the primary focus, message, or intention of the author in writing the passage.

Main idea questions typically ask you to determine the main point, argument, or purpose of the entire passage. They require you to grasp the overall meaning and significance of the text, and to identify the most accurate and concise statement that summarizes the passage as a whole.

Purpose questions, on the other hand, ask you to determine why the author included certain information or wrote the passage in a particular way. These questions may inquire about the author’s intent, objective, or motive in presenting the ideas, examples, or evidence within the passage.

To answer main idea or purpose questions effectively, it’s essential to read the passage carefully, paying attention to the main argument, tone, and structure. Look for recurring ideas, key phrases, or transitions that signal the author’s main point or purpose. Avoid answer choices that are too specific, too broad, or not directly supported by the passage.

Remember to consider the passage as a whole and avoid getting caught up in the details. The correct answer choice should capture the central idea or purpose of the passage accurately and concisely. Practicing identifying main ideas and understanding the author’s purpose will help you approach these questions with confidence on the SAT Reading section.

Some example question lead-ins for “main idea or purpose” questions on the SAT Reading section include:

  1. “The primary purpose of the passage is…”
  2. “The main idea of the passage can be best described as…”
  3. “What is the author’s main objective in writing this passage?”
  4. “The passage is mainly focused on…”
  5. “Which of the following best summarizes the main point of the passage?”
  6. “What is the central theme of the passage?”
  7. “Why does the author include the information in the passage?”
  8. “What is the author’s purpose in discussing [specific topic]?”
  9. “The passage primarily serves to…”
  10. “Which statement best expresses the main idea of the passage?”

These lead-ins provide different ways of asking about the main idea or purpose of a passage. It’s important to carefully read the passage, understand the main argument or message, and then choose the answer choice that accurately captures the central idea or objective of the passage as a whole.

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