Learn the Strategy

Here is a summarized list of strategies for solving “main idea or purpose” type questions on the SAT Reading section:

  • Read the passage carefully and grasp the main argument or message.
  • Pay attention to recurring ideas, key phrases, or transitions that signal the author’s main point or purpose.
  • Consider the passage as a whole and avoid getting caught up in the details.
  • Eliminate answer choices that are too specific, too broad, or not directly supported by the passage.
  • Look for the most accurate and concise statement that summarizes the passage or captures the author’s objective.
  • Avoid answer choices that are too extreme or diverge from the central theme.
  • Practice identifying main ideas and understanding the author’s purpose through targeted reading exercises.
  • Remember to choose the answer choice that best captures the main idea or purpose of the passage, supported by the information provided.

By utilizing these strategies, you’ll be better equipped to approach “main idea or purpose” questions on the SAT Reading section with confidence and accuracy. Keep practicing and applying these techniques to strengthen your overall reading comprehension skills.

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