Here is an Example

Here’s an example of a “meaning in context” type question for the SAT Reading section. Read the passage carefully, analyze the context, and then follow the step-by-step explanation to determine the correct answer.

In the heart of the city, where skyscrapers towered above and the sound of traffic filled the air, stood a small park. Despite its modest size, it offered a tranquil escape from the hustle and bustle of urban life. Lush greenery and vibrant flowers lined the pathways, providing a haven for weary souls seeking solace. The park also boasted a serene pond, where ducks gracefully glided across the surface, captivating the attention of visitors.

In the passage, the word “tranquil” most likely means:
A) chaotic
B) crowded
C) noisy
D) peaceful

Understanding the meaning of words in their respective contexts is essential for answering “meaning in context” questions on the SAT Reading section. By carefully analyzing the passage, eliminating incorrect choices, and selecting the answer that aligns with the context, you can effectively tackle these types of questions. Let’s now delve into the answer explanation.

Step 1: Analyze the Passage
The passage describes a small park in the city that serves as a peaceful retreat from the busy urban environment. This context provides clues about the meaning of the word “tranquil.”

Step 2: Eliminate Incorrect Answers
Let’s evaluate each answer choice based on the passage:
A) chaotic: The passage describes the park as a tranquil escape, indicating a sense of calm and serenity. “Chaotic” is the opposite of tranquility and does not align with the description of the park. Therefore, option A can be eliminated.
B) crowded: The passage does not provide any information about the park being crowded. Instead, it emphasizes the park as a retreat and an escape from the busy city life. Option B is not the correct answer.
C) noisy: The passage mentions the sound of traffic filling the air in the city but describes the park as a tranquil escape from the urban noise. Therefore, “noisy” is contradictory to the peaceful atmosphere of the park. Option C is incorrect.

Step 3: Identify the Correct Answer
After eliminating the incorrect answer choices, we can conclude that the correct answer is:
D) peaceful. In the given passage, the word “tranquil” is used to describe the atmosphere of the park. The passage emphasizes that the park provides a peaceful and calm environment, serving as an escape from the busy city life. Option D accurately represents the meaning of “tranquil” based on the context provided.

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