Here is an Example

Here’s an example of a “tone or attitude” type question for the SAT reading section:

The old house stood at the end of the street, its weathered facade and creaking floorboards telling stories of days long gone. As I stepped inside, a wave of nostalgia washed over me, transporting me back to a time when life seemed simpler and full of endless possibilities. The peeling wallpaper, faded photographs, and dusty furniture all whispered tales of bygone eras. It was a place frozen in time, where the echoes of laughter and tears lingered in the air, waiting to be heard by those willing to listen.

Based on the passage, what is the author’s overall attitude towards the old house?
A) Indifference
B) Disgust
C) Reverence
D) Boredom

Now, let’s take a closer look at the question and the options to understand why “reverence” is the correct answer and why the other options are incorrect.

Step 1: Analyze the Passage
In this passage, the author describes an old house with a weathered facade and creaking floorboards. They express a sense of nostalgia and mention the house’s ability to transport them back in time. The author mentions the peeling wallpaper, faded photographs, and dusty furniture, all of which contribute to the atmosphere of the place. These details indicate that the author has a particular attitude towards the old house.

Step 2: Eliminate Incorrect Answers
A) Indifference: The passage does not convey an indifferent attitude towards the old house. The author’s descriptions and the use of words like “nostalgia,” “endless possibilities,” and “whispered tales” suggest a stronger emotional connection.

B) Disgust: The passage does not express disgust towards the old house. While the house is described as weathered and in need of repair, the author’s tone is not negative or repulsed.

D) Boredom: The passage does not suggest that the author is bored with the old house. On the contrary, the author seems captivated by the house’s history and the emotions it evokes.

Step 3: Identify the Correct Answer
C) Reverence: The correct answer is C. The author’s descriptions of the old house, the use of nostalgic language, and the overall tone of the passage indicate that the author holds a reverential attitude towards the house. The author appreciates its history, the stories it holds, and its ability to transport them back in time.

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