Learn the Strategy

Sure! Here’s a summary of strategies for solving “tone or attitude” type questions on the SAT reading section:

  • Read the passage carefully and pay attention to the language, word choice, and overall mood created by the author.
  • Analyze the descriptive phrases, adjectives, and figurative language used to convey the author’s attitude.
  • Consider the emotional impact of the passage on the reader and the author’s intention.
  • Eliminate answer choices that do not align with the overall tone or attitude presented in the passage.
  • Look for subtle cues or nuances that reveal the author’s underlying sentiment.
  • Be cautious of extreme or exaggerated answer choices that do not match the tone conveyed in the passage.
  • Trust your instincts and rely on the information provided in the passage to guide your decision.

Remember, identifying the tone or attitude of the author requires careful reading and interpretation of the passage. With practice, you can become more adept at recognizing the subtle nuances that reveal the author’s tone. Keep honing your skills by practicing with a variety of passages and questions.

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