Here is an Example

Let’s now explore an example of a “point-of-view” type question. Remember to carefully analyze the passage and consider the perspective of the author or narrator. Follow the step-by-step explanation to identify the correct answer.

In recent years, the debate over climate change has reached a fever pitch. While the majority of scientists agree that human activities are contributing to global warming, there are still skeptics who question the validity of these claims. Understanding the various perspectives on this issue is crucial in shaping effective policies and mitigating the potential impacts of climate change.

One perspective often cited by climate change skeptics is the argument that natural climate variability is responsible for the observed changes in temperature and weather patterns. They point to historical climate fluctuations, such as the Medieval Warm Period and the Little Ice Age, as evidence that the Earth’s climate has always undergone natural cycles of warming and cooling. According to this view, human activities play a minimal role in the current climate trends.

On the other hand, proponents of the human-caused climate change theory argue that the unprecedented rise in greenhouse gas emissions, primarily from burning fossil fuels, is the primary driver of global warming. They highlight the overwhelming consensus among scientific studies that attribute the observed temperature increase to human-induced factors. They emphasize the need for urgent action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and transition to sustainable energy sources.

The point of view expressed by the proponents of human-caused climate change can be best summarized as

A) Climate change is an entirely natural phenomenon, unaffected by human activities.
B) The current climate trends are solely a result of human-induced factors.
C) Climate change is a complex issue with contributions from both natural and human causes.
D) The Earth’s climate has always experienced fluctuations, and human activities are exacerbating the current trends.

Step 1: Analyze the Passage
The passage presents two contrasting perspectives on climate change. One perspective argues that natural climate variability is responsible for the observed changes, while the other perspective emphasizes human-induced factors, particularly greenhouse gas emissions. We need to identify the point of view expressed by the proponents of human-caused climate change.

Step 2: Eliminate Incorrect Answers
A) Climate change is an entirely natural phenomenon, unaffected by human activities. This answer choice contradicts the viewpoint expressed by the proponents of human-caused climate change. They argue that human activities, specifically greenhouse gas emissions, are a significant factor in climate change. Eliminate this choice.

B) The current climate trends are solely a result of human-induced factors.
This answer choice is extreme and does not accurately reflect the viewpoint expressed in the passage. While proponents of human-caused climate change emphasize the role of human-induced factors, they do not claim that it is the sole cause. Eliminate this choice.

C) Climate change is a complex issue with contributions from both natural and human causes. This answer choice accurately captures the point of view expressed by the proponents of human-caused climate change. They acknowledge that climate change is a complex issue influenced by both natural and human causes. Keep this choice for further consideration.

D) The Earth’s climate has always experienced fluctuations, and human activities are exacerbating the current trends. This answer choice is partially correct, as it acknowledges the natural fluctuations in the Earth’s climate. However, it does not explicitly mention the proponents’ belief in human-induced factors contributing to the current trends. Tentatively keep this choice for comparison with the remaining option.

Step 3: Identify the Correct Answer
Comparing the remaining answer choices, choice C accurately represents the point of view expressed by the proponents of human-caused climate change. They recognize the complexity of climate change and acknowledge contributions from both natural and human causes. Therefore, the correct answer is: C) Climate change is a complex issue with contributions from both natural and human causes.

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