Let’s Solve an Example

Alright, let’s dive into an example of a “point-of-view” type question. Remember to carefully analyze the passage, eliminate incorrect answers, and identify the correct answer based on the provided guidelines. Here we go!

Throughout history, the debate over the merits of vegetarianism has been ongoing. Some argue that adopting a vegetarian diet is not only beneficial for personal health but also for the environment and animal welfare. They believe that by eliminating meat from their diet, individuals can reduce their risk of certain diseases, decrease their carbon footprint, and prevent the suffering of animals raised for food. On the other hand, opponents of vegetarianism argue that humans are natural omnivores and that consuming meat is essential for obtaining vital nutrients. They claim that a balanced diet that includes animal products is necessary for optimal health and that vegetarianism may lead to nutrient deficiencies.

Based on the passage, which of the following best represents the point of view of the proponents of vegetarianism?

A) Vegetarianism is a personal choice that has no impact on the environment or animal welfare.
B) A vegetarian diet is the only way to achieve optimal health and prevent diseases.
C) Adopting a vegetarian diet can positively impact personal health, the environment, and animal welfare.
D) Vegetarianism is a restrictive diet that leads to nutrient deficiencies.

Step 1: Analyze the Passage
The passage presents two perspectives on vegetarianism. One side argues for the benefits of vegetarianism in terms of personal health, environmental impact, and animal welfare. We need to identify the point of view expressed by the proponents of vegetarianism.

Step 2: Eliminate Incorrect Answers
A) Vegetarianism is a personal choice that has no impact on the environment or animal welfare. This answer choice does not accurately represent the point of view of the proponents of vegetarianism. They believe that adopting a vegetarian diet has positive impacts on personal health, the environment, and animal welfare. Eliminate this choice.

B) A vegetarian diet is the only way to achieve optimal health and prevent diseases.
This answer choice is too extreme and does not reflect the point of view expressed in the passage. The proponents of vegetarianism argue for the benefits of a vegetarian diet but do not claim it to be the only way to achieve optimal health. Eliminate this choice.

C) Adopting a vegetarian diet can positively impact personal health, the environment, and animal welfare. This answer choice accurately represents the point of view expressed by the proponents of vegetarianism. They argue that vegetarianism has positive impacts on personal health, the environment, and animal welfare. Keep this choice for further consideration.

D) Vegetarianism is a restrictive diet that leads to nutrient deficiencies.
This answer choice represents the viewpoint of the opponents of vegetarianism, not the proponents. The proponents argue for the benefits of vegetarianism and do not focus on it being restrictive or leading to nutrient deficiencies. Eliminate this choice.

Step 3: Identify the Correct Answer
Comparing the remaining answer choices, choice C accurately represents the point of view of the proponents of vegetarianism. They believe that adopting a vegetarian diet can positively impact personal health, the environment, and animal welfare. Therefore, the correct answer is: C) Adopting a vegetarian diet can positively impact personal health, the environment, and animal welfare.

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