Learn the Strategy

Here’s a summary of strategies for solving “point-of-view” type questions on the SAT reading section:

  1. Understand the Passage: Carefully read and analyze the passage to identify the different perspectives or viewpoints presented.
  2. Identify the Opposing Views: Take note of the opposing arguments or opinions expressed in the passage.
  3. Look for Language Indicators: Pay attention to specific words or phrases that indicate a particular point of view, such as “believe,” “argue,” “claim,” or strong opinionated language.
  4. Eliminate Extreme or Unrelated Choices: Cross out answer choices that are too extreme or unrelated to the viewpoints presented in the passage.
  5. Match the Viewpoint: Select the answer choice that accurately represents the specific point of view expressed by the author or the individuals mentioned in the passage.

Remember, understanding the passage and its various perspectives is key to answering “point-of-view” questions effectively. Take your time, eliminate incorrect choices, and choose the answer that aligns with the viewpoint presented in the passage.

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