Let’s Solve an Example

Here’s an example of a “structure” type question for the SAT reading section, along with a sample passage and a step-by-step explanation of the correct and incorrect answers.

In the realm of science, the study of climate change has become increasingly crucial. Scientists around the world have dedicated their efforts to understanding the complex factors contributing to this phenomenon. The author of this passage explores various aspects of climate change and its consequences. The passage begins by providing a historical overview of climate change research, highlighting significant discoveries and milestones. It then delves into the causes of climate change, discussing both natural factors and human activities. The passage proceeds to outline the far-reaching effects of climate change on the environment, including rising temperatures, melting glaciers, and disrupted ecosystems. Finally, the author offers potential solutions to mitigate the impact of climate change, such as transitioning to renewable energy sources and adopting sustainable practices.

Which organizational structure does the author primarily use in the passage to present information?

A) Chronological order
B) Cause and effect
C) Compare and contrast
D) Problem and solution

Remember to carefully analyze the passage and select the answer choice that best represents the primary organizational structure used by the author to present information.

Step 1: Analyze the Passage
In this step, we need to understand the main organizational structure used in the passage. The passage discusses climate change and presents information in a structured manner. The four organizational structures mentioned are chronological order, cause and effect, compare and contrast, and problem and solution.

Step 2: Eliminate Incorrect Answers
Let’s evaluate each answer choice and eliminate the ones that do not match the organizational structure used in the passage.

A) Chronological order: This answer choice is incorrect because the passage does not present the information in a strictly chronological order. While the passage does provide a historical overview, it also discusses causes, effects, and solutions.

B) Cause and effect: This answer choice is incorrect because although the passage mentions causes and effects of climate change, it also includes other information such as historical overview and potential solutions. The passage does not primarily focus on cause and effect relationships.

C) Compare and contrast: This answer choice is incorrect because the passage does not explicitly compare and contrast different aspects of climate change. Instead, it presents a combination of historical information, causes, effects, and solutions.

D) Problem and solution: This answer choice is correct because the passage follows a structure where it presents the problem of climate change and then offers potential solutions to mitigate its impact. It addresses the issue and provides possible remedies, making problem and solution the primary organizational structure.

Step 3: Identify the Correct Answer
Based on the analysis and elimination process, the correct answer is D) Problem and solution. The passage primarily uses a problem and solution organizational structure. It starts by introducing the problem of climate change, discussing causes, effects, and concludes with potential solutions to address the issue.

Keep in mind that the step-by-step explanation provided here is just one way to approach the question. Different test takers may have different reasoning processes, but the key is to understand the passage, eliminate incorrect answers, and select the answer choice that aligns with the primary organizational structure used in the passage.

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