
“Tone or attitude” questions on the SAT reading section assess your ability to identify and analyze the author’s emotional stance or perspective towards a particular subject or idea presented in the passage. These questions require you to go beyond the surface-level meaning of the text and delve into the author’s underlying feelings, opinions, or intentions.

To answer “tone or attitude” questions effectively, you need to pay close attention to the language used by the author. Look for specific words, phrases, or figurative language that can give you insights into their attitude. Consider the overall mood or atmosphere created by the author’s words and the way they present information.

Example question lead-ins for “tone or attitude” questions prompt you to identify and describe the author’s tone or attitude towards a specific aspect of the passage. These lead-ins may ask you to determine the author’s general attitude, a shift in tone, or the dominant emotion conveyed in the text.

“Tone or attitude” questions on the SAT reading section assess your understanding of the author’s emotional stance or perspective towards a particular subject or idea presented in the passage. These questions require you to interpret the author’s tone, which is the writer’s attitude or feelings expressed towards the topic.

Here are some example question lead-ins for “tone or attitude” questions:

  1. Based on the passage, the author’s tone towards XYZ can best be described as…
  2. What is the author’s attitude towards ABC in the passage?
  3. How does the author’s tone change in the final paragraph?
  4. What emotion does the author convey in the passage when discussing LMN?
  5. Which word best captures the overall tone of the passage?

These types of questions require careful reading and interpretation of the author’s words and language choices to discern their underlying tone or attitude. By understanding the author’s emotional stance, you can effectively answer “tone or attitude” questions on the SAT reading section.

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