Here is an Example

Here’s an example of a “structure” type question for the SAT reading section:

Throughout history, there have been numerous inventions that have revolutionized human life. One such invention is the printing press, which was developed by Johannes Gutenberg in the 15th century. Prior to the printing press, books were painstakingly handwritten, making them rare and expensive. Gutenberg’s invention transformed the way information was disseminated, allowing for the mass production of books and facilitating the spread of knowledge. This marked the beginning of the printing revolution and played a significant role in the Renaissance and the subsequent advancement of human civilization.

The passage primarily follows which of the following structures?

A) Chronological
B) Cause and effect
C) Compare and contrast
D) Problem and solution

Now, let’s analyze the passage and break down the structure to identify the correct answer.

Step 1: Analyze the Passage
In this passage, the author discusses the invention of the printing press, its impact on society, and its historical significance. The information is presented in a logical sequence, discussing the invention itself, its effects on book production, and its broader impact on human civilization.

Step 2: Eliminate Incorrect Answers
A) Chronological: While there is a chronological element in the passage, as it discusses an invention from the 15th century, it is not the primary structure used. Eliminate this option.

B) Cause and effect: This answer choice is plausible as the passage discusses the cause (the invention of the printing press) and its effect (the spread of knowledge and advancement of civilization). Keep this option for further evaluation.

C) Compare and contrast: The passage does not present a comparison or contrast between different elements. Eliminate this option.

D) Problem and solution: Although the passage discusses the problem of limited access to books and the solution of the printing press, it is not the main structure. Eliminate this option.

Step 3: Identify the Correct Answer
Based on our analysis, we can see that the passage primarily follows a cause and effect structure. It introduces the cause (the invention of the printing press) and discusses its effects on book production and the advancement of human civilization. Therefore, the correct answer is B) Cause and effect.

Understanding the structure of a passage is crucial for comprehending its main ideas and arguments. By identifying the underlying structure, you can navigate through the text more effectively and answer related questions accurately.

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