Learn the Strategy!

Here’s a summary of strategies for solving “meaning in context” type questions on the SAT Reading section:

  1. Read the Surrounding Information: Pay attention to the sentences or paragraphs before and after the target word or phrase to understand its context.
  2. Identify Clues: Look for clues within the passage that provide hints about the meaning of the target word. These clues can include synonyms, antonyms, examples, or explanations.
  3. Consider the Tone and Purpose: Evaluate the overall tone and purpose of the passage to help determine the intended meaning of the word or phrase.
  4. Evaluate Answer Choices: Analyze each answer choice and eliminate options that do not align with the context or contradict the passage’s message.
  5. Use Process of Elimination: Eliminate incorrect answer choices based on their meanings and how they fit into the passage context. This will help narrow down your options.
  6. Choose the Best Fit: Select the answer choice that most accurately reflects the meaning of the target word or phrase within the given context.

Remember to practice these strategies to improve your skills in identifying the meaning of words in context.

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