Learn the Strategy

Sure! Here are some strategies to keep in mind when solving inference type questions on the SAT reading section:

  • Read the passage carefully and pay attention to details, context, and tone.
  • Look for clues and implicit information within the passage.
  • Use your understanding of the passage’s main ideas and supporting details to make logical connections and draw conclusions.
  • Consider the author’s purpose and tone to help determine the underlying message or intended meaning.
  • Eliminate answer choices that are not supported or contradicted by the information in the passage.
  • Focus on answer choices that align with the passage’s details and provide a logical inference based on the given information.
  • Be cautious of extreme or overly specific answer choices that go beyond what can be reasonably inferred from the passage.
  • Keep in mind that the correct answer will be the one that is most strongly supported by the passage.

Remember, practice is key to improving your inference skills. Regularly engage with SAT reading passages and questions to become more comfortable and proficient at drawing logical conclusions.

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