Let’s Solve an Example

Now, it’s time for you to put your skills to the test! Take a moment to read the passage excerpt and the question provided. Analyze the information given and apply the step-by-step approach we’ve discussed. Afterward, you can compare your answer with the detailed explanation provided. Remember, practice makes perfect, so embrace this opportunity to enhance your understanding of “main idea or purpose” questions. Give it a go and see how well you can tackle this example on your own!

In the era of technological advancements, the impact of smartphones on society has been profound. These devices have revolutionized communication, provided access to vast information, and transformed various industries. However, concerns regarding excessive screen time and privacy issues have also emerged. This passage delves into the advantages and drawbacks of smartphones and their implications for individuals and society.”

What is the main purpose of this passage?
A) To argue that smartphones should be completely banned from society.
B) To provide a historical timeline of smartphone development.
C) To explore the positive and negative aspects of smartphones’ influence on society.
D) To give a comprehensive guide on smartphone security measures.


Step 1: Analyze the Passage
In this passage, the author discusses the impact of smartphones on society, highlighting both the positive and negative aspects. The passage explores the advantages and drawbacks of smartphones and their implications.

Step 2: Eliminate Incorrect Answers
A) The passage does not argue for the complete banning of smartphones. It acknowledges both the positive and negative aspects. Option A is incorrect.
B) The passage does not focus on the historical timeline of smartphone development. It is more concerned with the present impact and implications. Option B is incorrect.
D) The passage does not provide a comprehensive guide on smartphone security measures. It is focused on discussing the advantages and drawbacks. Option D is incorrect.

Step 3: Identify the Correct Answer
C) The main purpose of this passage is to explore the positive and negative aspects of smartphones’ influence on society. It delves into the advantages and drawbacks, addressing concerns such as excessive screen time and privacy issues. Option C is the correct answer.

Remember to carefully analyze the passage, eliminate answer choices that are too extreme or not supported by the passage, and choose the answer that best captures the main idea or purpose of the passage. Practice identifying the central theme or objective of passages to enhance your skills in answering “main idea or purpose” questions on the SAT Reading section.

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